Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Giver

I think this book will be about a world where everything is controlled. Every person has a specific role to play in their community and Jonas will make a change. When Jonas turns twelve, they assign him a very important role. He is going to be the Receiver of Memory. For this job, Jonas needs to be trained by the person who had this role before. He is called The Giver, he is the one who holds the memory of agony and the amusement of life. Now, The Giver needs to train and prepare Jonas for this, but first, they need to announce everyone about it. "You will be trained to be out next Receiver of Memory. We thank you for your childhood," they said. Everyone was happy about the new Receiver of Memory, after all, they couldn't express themselves because of the control the government had. Jonas will have no turning back of the truth. 

Lois Lowry,  in his dedication page says, "For all the children to whom we entrust the future." I think Lowry means that children are the future. Children can change the future because what they learn today they will apply it tomorrow. Children have teachings that we think are the right thing to do. We trust that kids will use those teachings on the future so that they don't commit the same errors we have done. Children are the future and are the ones who will make the change. When someone presented Jonas in front of the people, they thank him for his childhood. I think that this book will show us the importance of the roots a person has and how they apply it in the future. 

Jonas thinks he lives in a perfect world where nothing is under controlled and everyone is happy. I predict that Jonas will discover secrets so shocking that he will like to make a change. Jonas will derogate the government and will free the people. He will tell everyone what the government does and a lot of people will follow him.   

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